Youngwon: One day, when DayDay and I were doing push ups, after 6 minutes and 10 seconds, he started farting.
Jisu and Youngwon demonstrate.
DayDay: About that, I didn’t fart. You know that one time? I forgot which episode it was, but someone farted and Youngwon said, “Oh that smells~”. It wasn’t me!
Youngwon: Oh, smell~! It s...mells like rotten eggs.
(there are fart animations placed around DayDay)
Inati: Youngwon! Stop farting!
DayDay: So why did you make it seem like I farted!
Youngwon: To be honest…it was Inati who farted.
Inati: What the, you farted!
Youngwon: ……………I’m sorry, everybody. I farted.
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