The leader of Co-Ed, Soomi, has her own room. Designed to fit her personality, the room is simple and clean, filled with large objects such as massagers and candles. The first item she introduced were her dark curtains, stating, “I‘m very sensitive so I can’t sleep if there’s even the tiniest bit of light.”

Maknae Hyewon as well has her own individual room. She introduced a large teddy bear gifted to her by her father as her most prized possession.

With four girls living in one dorm, one would assume that their rooms would be a mess, but such was not the case. The members divide the house chores and clean everything themselves. Soomi stated, “We don’t have enough room to store all of our shoes, so we keep our shoe boxes and hide them under the hangers in the living room. We like being neat. I’m also the oldest, so I’m usually the one doing the chores, but my dongsengs help out a lot as well.”
On the topic of their daily schedules, the girls revealed that their day starts at 9 AM. Soomi wakes up first and proceeds to wake the other members. Unfortunately, having only slept 3-4 hours due to their long rehearsal schedule, waking up the other members is not an easy task, especially for maknae Hyewon. “Hyewon never wakes up right away. You have to kick away her blanket and physically lift her off of the bed, but even then, you’ll find her dozing off on a chair after a while.”

The most systematic member is Chanmi, thanks to her long trainee years and previous dorming experience. Soomi revealed, “Chanmi wakes up right away when you wake her up. She once woke up so fast that she hit her face on the floor. Everyone was really surprised, and asked if she was okay, but she told us to continue on with our morning tasks because she was okay.”

Soomi also expressed her feelings on her role change from being Seeya’s maknae to Co-Ed’s leader. “It’s my first time dorming with other people. It was really difficult transitioning into the mindset of being the oldest since there’s so man things to take care of, but it has gotten a lot better now. Everyone knows what they have to do.”
Hyewon and Chanmi agreed by stating, “Soomi unni gives us a lot of advice and takes care of us. We haven’t fought together yet, and there’s nothing too difficult about dorming other than missing our parents.”

On their eating habits, the members expressed their disappointment in having to constantly diet. Although they ordered fast food often behind the back of their manager, they began to limit themselves after debuting. Hyoyoung stated, “I felt that I really needed to manage myself. I want to lose about 5kg, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.”

Their company is located five minutes from their dorm by foot, giving the members the luxury of being able to wake up late and rush to the company and take care of their morning routine there. They then stay up the entire night rehearsing, and crash when they return to their dorms. Because of such a lifestyle, they expressed that there was no time for exercise or full meals, making what they consider their diet nothing more than starving. Hyoyoung continued, “It can’t be helped if we want to look prettier on screen. It’d be nice if we had time to exercise, but we don’t. I’m thinking of going to the gym before our schedules start.”

As for the boys’ dorm, the dorm is located about 700 steps away from the girls’ dorm, and consists of three bedrooms and one bathroom. The maknae line of Sungmin, Noori, and Kangho use one room, while Kwanghaeng and Yoosung each have their own rooms. The living room belongs to Taewoon. There were no cute decorative items like the girls’ dorm, as rooms were instead filled with only the absolute necessities.

The first thought that would reach anyone’s mind is how six people would fit in one bathroom. As soon as the thought was mentioned, the boys immediately asked, “What is the girls’ dorm like?” They then began to express their dissatisfaction with the bathroom, claiming that it was like a war in the mornings. In cases of emergencies, they stated that they would even sometimes run down to the PC room next door and use their bathroom.
Just like the girls, the average sleeping hours of the boys are about 3-4 hours. Yoosung usually wakes the boys up, and they all head to the company building with their toothbrushes in tow to wash up there. Although they divided the house chores at first, their busy schedules put a halt to such a system, instead letting the mess pile. “Still, there isn’t a big problem.” Fortunately, their company CEO made one visit to their dorm and immediately hired a maid.

On their actual dorming lives, Yoosung stated, “The maknae has all of the power. When I was sleeping, he pulled my leg, causing me to fall off of the bed and injure my back. I was going to lecture him, but he retorted by saying he’d tell on me to the manager.”

The maknae is also said to have a horrible habit of not washing himself despite his cute image on stage. The members confessed that he never washed for five days straight once. “His feet smell horrible, and it’s not his clothes that smell bad, but his body.”
Kwanghaeng stated, “Kangho got really mad once. He was trying to sleep, but Sungmin’s smell was keeping him awake. He got angry and forced him to wash.”
With six boys living in one dorm, the episodes they revealed seemed to be unending. They stated that they frequently ran away from their dorm, often to places such as PC rooms, snack shops, and for one member, the sauna, although he was caught by their manager soon after.
And unlike the girls’ dorm, which is busy with dieting, the boys receive the VIP treatment at their local snack shop. Due to their fridge being empty, and their dorm not even having a basic rice cooker, the boys frequent the 24-hour corner mart after rehearsal.
Maknae Sungmin especially does not easily gain weight, stating, “I was chubby when I was in elementary school, but I just began losing weight. I felt like I was becoming a skeleton since my height kept growing and my weight kept dropping. I weigh about 48kg now.”
Kangho, on the other hand, is a health fanatic. No matter how late their daily schedules end, he makes sure to visit the local gym as soon as he wakes up. “I exercised twice a day before we debuted. We don’t have a lot of time lately, so I can’t do that anymore.” One friend of his commented, “He’s strict with managing himself. Even if a schedule ends at 5 AM, he makes sure to fit in time to exercise. He’d sleep for one hour and never even act tired at work.”