- When Daehyun first joined TSE, he went up to Secret and asked, “Can you sign this for me..
- Yongguk’s a peacemaker. He’s also very soft-hearted so he cries often.
- Daehyun said he’s closest to Yongguk, not Youngjae
- Daehyun’s friends laugh when people call him Busan Wonbin.
- When Yongguk first entered the company, he was promoting as a rapper so he had no interest in dancing.
- Youngjae likes “One Piece”.
- Bang Yongguk was in 4Minute’s MV, HUH. (he’s at the left with blue shirt; 0:03) . He was also in the live performance of Who’s Next.(at the right with cap 0:02, 0:13 || behind Hyunseung 0:16)
- Yongguk has an Instagram.
- Yongguk uses his injury on his hand as an excuse to make the members do favors for him.
- Jongup can sing while doing a backflip.
cr : to BAP fan base at twitter and tumblr
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