Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[INTERVIEW] Hallyu Pier w/ B.A.P - Another Story Part 2

”All 6 members like Japan. It was the country that all of us voted as 1st in wanting to visit. I’ve had a personal case where I’ve gone once before,” is what Yongguk had said. They were then asked “Where do you want to go or what do you want to do in Japan?”
Zelo: “I want to go shopping.”
Daehyun: “I want to eat ramen.”
Himchan: “I want to go shopping too.”
Jongup: “I want to go to Harajuku or Shinjuku. I want to also by items that are designs only found in Japan.”
Yongguk: “Everyone’s really interested in Japanese fashion. Also, there’s a big CD shop there, right? I want to go shopping there.”
Youngjae could not be asked because he was in the middle of the photo shoot.

Q4. If you could change bodies with any other member, who would it be?
Himchan: Zelo. Because he’s cute ㅋㅋㅋ I tend to do a lot of skinship and I would always be affectionate to Zelo….but Zelo doesn’t like it, so I want to know why..I want to confirm why. I want to see the image of myself through Zelo’s eyes.

Q5. The member to cause trouble in the dorm?
Himchan: Is it…me? No..not dirtying the dorm. I just don’t clean.ㅋㅋ It’s because I cook, but I don’t clean after my mess. I make another person clean it up, like to the dongsengs, “Clean it up for me.” ….ㅋ

Q6. How long was your trainee years? And any difficulties?
Himchan: For me, around 1.5 years. It was difficult not being able to see my parents in having to dorm. But we all pledged that “We won’t see our parents” until debut, so I worked hard.

Q7. What kind of artist do you want to be? An award you’re aiming for?
Himchan: Hrm…I want to be an artist that “paves their way.” Instead of choosing to be something, I want to be the kind of artist that makes their own way. If this were a puzzle, then we’ve only fir 1 piece of the puzzle. And when we’ve matched them all, I want to promote in becoming an awesome picture. I really think that way.

Q6. If you could change bodies with any other member, who would it be?
Jongup: Zelo because he’s tall. I want to try the air that’s high up where he is.

Q7. The member to cause trouble in the dorm?
Jongup: (Looking at the members) Me. There are a lot of members who like being tidy and I don’t organize correctly, so I receive some criticism. Since we’re living in a dorm together, we have to be clean!

Q8. What kind of artist do you want to be? An award you’re aiming for?
Jongup: I want to try even more new things and right now, although it hasn’t been long since we’ve promoted as B.A.P, I always want to be a member that can take part in the choreography or the production of a song.

Q6. If you could change bodies with any other member, who would it be?
Youngjae: Zelo. He’s a kid with a lot of talent and everyone is affectionate towards him, so I want to abuse that privilege.ㅋㅋ I think it’s be fun to live as the magnae.

Q7. The member to cause trouble in the dorm?
Youngjae: (Glancing at the members for a moment…then coolly, he says) There’s no one in particular that strikes as “This person!”

Q8. What kind of artist do you want to be? An award you’re aiming for?
Youngjae: This is my dream..but I want to show people through a song that I wrote the melody of in topping it with the words I’ve wanted to say.

Q9. Do you want to try anything in particular when it comes to solo promotions?
Youngjae: I want to try singing a song alone and also doing collaborations and featuring in a song to sing with other artists.

Q6. If you could change bodies with any other member, who would it be?
Daehyun: Himchan hyung. He’s cool and good looking, so he’s popular with females. I want to be able to embrace all the popularity of females. (But Daehyun, you’re also referred to as the “Wonbin of Busan,” no?) Ah~Ah~Yes~ㅋㅋ

Q7. The member to cause trouble in the dorm?
Daehyun: The two members in the magnae line. I always wake up earliest and these two (Jongup and Zelo) really don’t wake up!! I wish they’d wake up a bit earlier.

Q8. What kind of artist do you want to be? An award you’re aiming for?
Daehyun: I want to become an artist they can’t forget for a long, long time. For example, even if we don’t promote for a while, I want to become an artist that people still say “That person is an awesome artist” about. I want to become an artist that has people listening to their music.

Q6. The artist you first started liking?
Zelo: I didn’t really have much thought when I first started rapping as I’d say things like, “So cool~ I want to make money and return the favor to my parents~” when seeing idols. It was just up to there. Right now, artists I like are Eminem and Kanye West.

Q7. If you could change bodies with any other member, who would it be?
Zelo: Yongguk hyung. I compose lyrics too, but Yongguk hyung composes lyrics and produces, so I want to experience what Yongguk hyung produces. I want to participate in music making.

Q8. The member to cause trouble in the dorm?
Zelo: (Looking at the members briefly…) I like them all. There’s no one especially that causes trouble. I just wish they’d organize their “laundry.”

Q9. What kind of artist do you want to be? An award you’re aiming for?
Zelo: I want to become the best artist in all areas. Not only in producing, but ranging from composing to fashion even, I want to be a multiplayer in being able to do everything. Right now, I’m not in a hurry though as I want to slowly raise my talents which I find important.

Q7. If you could change bodies with any other member, who would it be?
Yongguk: Hrm…Youngjae. I had a long time being a trainee and I’ve had experience in being the youngest, but I’ve never been the middle child as I’m the oldest out of B.A.P. That’s why I want to be Youngjae. I want to know the stress, sufferings, and worries of being in between hyungs and dongsengs.

Q8. The member to cause trouble in the dorm?
Yongguk: Himchan. He’s too orderly. With his extremely orderly personality, the other members tend to receive stress from it, so I wish he’d just have some ease and live roughly a little.

Q9. What kind of artist do you want to be? An award you’re aiming for?
Yongguk: I want to rap about the story of a human being. Before, I used to like gangster rap (example of artists are ICE-T, 2pac, 50 Cent, etc. who’d have provocative and attacking lyrics) but lately, I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve become an adult, but I want to rap that holds humanistic values. Although B.A.P is an idol, I want to surpass the stereotypes of being an idol and make something full of messages. In order to do that, I’ll study harder and become an artist that can lead their dongsengs. For the future, I hope B.A.P can be a group that can make any kind of music.

CREDITS: YUMI @ TS-ASIAN (JAP to KOR) & HEODANG @ TUMBLR (KOR to ENG); do not repost on Tumblr, take out with full credits!


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