Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunny Hill visits member Jang Hyun in the military

The four ladies of Sunny Hill recently visited member Jang Hyun in the military.

Jang Hyun enlisted back on January 31st, when the group was still actively promoting “The Grasshopper Song“. Since then, various other artists have been filling in for Jang Hyun in the group’s performances.

Member Kota recently uploaded the photo above and wrote on her Twitter, “Salute! Hehe See you again soon. It’s a relief that you’re doing well.”

The female Sunny Hill members smiled brightly at the camera while mock-saluting , whereas Jang Hyun’s pose was much more polished and had a stern expression on his face.

Fans were delighted to see the singer and commented, “We’ll be waiting for your return!” and “It must be difficult serving in the military, but don’t give up! Fighting!”

Source: Kota’s Twitter

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:


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